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Changes to Appointments
Posted or Updated on 20 Feb 2025
We are excited to update you with some changes that will be taking place with our appointment system from 28th February 2025. Over the past few years, we have had to keep recruiting doctors to maintain our personal commitment to offer both urgent on the day appointments and routine appointments within 1-2 weeks.
Although we are pleased to be one of the top ten practices in Kent for number of appointments offered, the relentless surge in demand nationally has led to NHS England adopting other ways to manage this.
The first adoption is the Pharmacy First scheme in which certain conditions can now be treated by the Pharmacist without the need for a GP appointment.
They are:
Condition |
Ages covered |
Acute otitis media
1 to 17 years
1 year and over
Infected insect bites
1 year and over
18 years and over
12 years and over
Sore throat
5 years and over
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections
Women 16-64 years
Going forward, to avoid duplication of services in the NHS, we will attend to these conditions less to create space for conditions that can only be managed by us.
The second adoption is Total Triage in which all appointment requests are first digitally assessed before an appointment is offered (like A+E or NHS111).
Why is this necessary?
- We want to abolish the 8am queues and early morning telephone rush. Queuing and telephoning first thing in the morning will no longer be necessary and if you do, our lovely reception team will simply help you fill out a triage form so all requests are properly assessed. Receptionists will no longer book appointments for you as they did before.
- Equity of access. We want appointment provision to be fair, based on clinical need, not just demand or being IT savvy. Sick notes should not take precedence over ill patients just because they got there first or are more IT savvy.
- Efficiency. Appointments are a precious resource and we want to ensure that our patients get the right type of appointment first time round rather than seeing one Clinician before seeing the right person.
- Prompt response on the phones. For those who do need to call the surgery, ultimately, the phones will be answered more quickly (as more people use the triage form).
What do you need to do?
- You can access the appointment request form Online at our website
- If you do not have a smart phone and no other form of digital access, you will not be disadvantaged. Our lovely reception team will be happy to help you fill a form which will then be assessed along with the others. However please note, Receptionists will no longer book appointments for you as they did before.
- The Online form will be available on the NHS App towards the end of the year so get ready and download the NHS App now as you can request your repeat prescriptions, check your blood results and view your medical records.
We look forward to providing you with an improved service.